WHERE ARE YOU? Photographers, Videographers, DJs and other self employed Service Providers, who are always on the road!

18 01-2018
WHERE ARE YOU? Photographers, Videographers, DJs and other self employed Service Providers, who are always on the road!
MASTAMAP – Enabling entrepreneurs & small businesses to be found and grow.
MASTAMAP ‘TRACK ME’ is a new feature coming soon to the MastaMap android app, for people on the go who want their friends, family or customers to know where they are.
‘TRACK ME’ – enables you to send customers or friends a link so they can track your location movements in real time, for a specified time limit. You decide who sees your movements and for how long.
So, no more calls or texts to check in. No more having to use the phone while driving. No more “Where are you?” calls from anxious customers. No more arriving at a client’s office only to find they have replaced you because you didn’t return their calls and they thought you were ignoring them or had forgotten the appointment. Let customers know you are on your way. Calm down your customers as they watch you head to the meeting/wedding or conference venue. Simply share a “Track Me” link with customers and let them get on with other things as they see you head their way instead of standing at the venue gate anxiously. Set yourself apart from your competitors by using this innovative technology to put your customers first!
MASTAMAP “TRACK ME” is launching soon and will be offering “Track Me” FREE for a limited period only to early users (especially entrepreneurs, startups & small businesses). If you would like to try Track Me” then simply click the link below and let us have your email: https://goo.gl/forms/tz3oSNnkvkUTzom92   You can also read more at: https://goo.gl/aKSEhH  

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