22 07-2018


How many times have you had to answer this age old question? How many text messages and phone calls a day do you send/receive to get an answer to the above question?

1. LOGISTICS, TRANSPORT & DELIVERY COMPANIES –   How many times have you had to call the driver to find out where he/she is only for the call to go unanswered and you have an impatient customer on the other end of the phone? 

2. SALESMEN/WOMEN – How many times have you been stuck in traffic and want to inform your client that you are on the way to them but cannot call/text because you are driving?
3. EVENT ORGANISERS – Do you often run around panicking before every event asking these questions: Where is the photographer? Where is the DJ? Where is the caterer?

4. RESTAURANT OWNERS – Do you often assume your fish supplier is arriving any minute and keep looking at the door or gate, only to call & find out they are still stuck in traffic, 15 mins away when you could have been getting on with other things? 

6. STUDENTS – Do you have a favourite caterer who serves delicious, affordable food but you often arrive too late because they don’t always serve in the same place and you lost time looking for them?
7. GIRLS – After a night out, do you often send text essages asking your friends “Did you arrive home safely?”
8. HUSBANDS/WIVES – How many “I’m leaving work now”, or “I’m still stuck in traffic” messages do you send to your spouse on your way home from work?
9. WIVES – Were you chatting on the phone too long only to hear your husband’s car in the driveway to pick you up for your night out and you haven’t even jumped in the shower, because you thought he was still stuck in traffic?
10. TEENAGERS – Are you meeting friends at a large festival or  sports/shopping venue but cannot find one another?
11. BRIDES – Are you worried about turning into ‘Bridezilla’ on your special day as you panic on the phone wondering where the wedding cake, makeup artist, or photographer is?  

SOLUTION: Why not leave all this worry behind and start using MastaMap “Track Me”.

Track Me enables you to send people a link so they can track your location movements in real time, for a specified time limit. MastaMap ‘Track Me’ also calculates the exact distance from you to them, as well as ascertain their ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival). So, no more calls or texts to check in. No more having to use the phone while driving. No more having to take the “Where Are You?” phone calls. Simply send a “Track Me” link to friends or customers and let them see where you are and how soon you will be joining them. You decide who sees your movements and for how long. For a sneak preview as to how Track Me works, click Play in the video below.

Stand above your competitors and offer your customers the ‘TRACK ME’ experience.  Dowload MASTAMAP “TRACK ME” from Google Play HERE


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